Saturday, May 27, 2006

Tell me again.. why are we here!!

Well philosophers would say its too big a question to waste your time upon; you would end up where you started.

I know how the average day passes out from one calendar page to another and in between whenever I started my chain of thoughts somehow it got scurried away to somewhere else. For the God stricken they rest easy saying God has a purpose and for the agnost he at least basks in the ignorance that someone has a purpose, I wonder what an atheist thinks, but then ... why bother!?

Ammmph it seems too poetic or too literary when one says that we are just passing phases in this life but at the end what we do and how we do it says a lot about where we gonna end up; makes sense, naah. Right now, there would be a guy in the down town area pushing carts to make a living and get back home and then worry about next day where he is gonna push his cart next; so how does this guy effect me; it doesnt, so why is he even in this picture;;;; for that
matter why is the earth revolving around with scientist saying that there may be life on the other planet, do they also believe in the concept of God. And then there is this ultimate one if I dont exist then nothing does and it very well may be an illusion who knows; I wonder. And one day god wakes me up and wispers "Well lad I guess the game is over we would have to think of the next level, this was way too easy for you"!!!

Seems to remind of an annonymous quote

"God had to recreate the earth the second time, because some wise guy figured it out why was it there in the first place"

Friday, May 26, 2006

From Delhi to Bangalore

A little more than forty eight hours or three and a half hours flat thats how much time it takes to shift your point of view and adjust to the change depending on your moolah.

That was almost two years back and based on all the raves I was looking forward to it, but on the first glance its just like any other metropolitan with all the hustle bustle and fanfare but on a closer look the difference was evident.

Peeking under its thick exterior you find a city still holding on to its simple life style, easy going people homes with coconut trees criss crossing walls as if sharing in their laughs and sorrows. A junta more inclined to spending time in libraries, theatres and other self pursuits which is sure a sea change from where I come from a city where libraries are gaged up with college grads, theatres with high society people who have nothing else to spend their evenings with and a lifestyle so fast that you only get time in a public transport to wonder where your life is heading (that too if you are not jam packed in a bus of sixty where only fifty can fit). Plus delhi has nothing to quench your senses on the lighter side, I mean you slog around eight hours before you see a perched kingfisher, here travel two hours in any direction and it seems you left the city almost far behind.

Though only few know bangalore is called a tippler's paradise and once you perambulate the alleys you know why, there seems to be a liqour shop as common as a tea stall in delhi handing you your stuff by the glasses!

Plus how can I forget the biggest plus point of all the climate, with a crunchy summer and a soothing winter; delhites find it almost a bliss but then the moment they step on the road they are reminded of what seems amiss, which ofcourse are the pathetic roads, never meant to bear the exodus of immigrants like us; which I guess bangalore has half of them.

So who is looking for a change!!!

Thursday, May 25, 2006

What makes us happy!!!

Simple question aint it; guess it isn't answered by another emoticon :) glaring at the screen. Just going through the one of the news coverage (Happiness Formula) I thought of pondering it for a bit more longer then usual. Happiness is relative to our surrounding and like a, so much evident fact of todays life we tend to buy our happiness out by all the money which inherintly is supposed to be our happiness quotient; atleast in theory I gues. Problem arises when we see that not much has changed since our last paycheck except a fancier restaurant and a better wrooooming wheeels.

Guess for everybody its a different trigger point, for me its just of spending time with myself playing a few notes of violin on an empty hoilday afternoon, or as simple as reading my favorite Asterix and munching on noodles after coming back from a tyring day at office. But then its more like relaxing you would say right; but then "What is happiness if not enjoing with whatever seems best". It could very well be your best pals company!

"Happiness is sitting down to watch slides of your neighbor's vacation and finding out he spent two weeks at a nudist colony."
Johny Carson

PS: So just a point of view!!!