Saturday, May 27, 2006

Tell me again.. why are we here!!

Well philosophers would say its too big a question to waste your time upon; you would end up where you started.

I know how the average day passes out from one calendar page to another and in between whenever I started my chain of thoughts somehow it got scurried away to somewhere else. For the God stricken they rest easy saying God has a purpose and for the agnost he at least basks in the ignorance that someone has a purpose, I wonder what an atheist thinks, but then ... why bother!?

Ammmph it seems too poetic or too literary when one says that we are just passing phases in this life but at the end what we do and how we do it says a lot about where we gonna end up; makes sense, naah. Right now, there would be a guy in the down town area pushing carts to make a living and get back home and then worry about next day where he is gonna push his cart next; so how does this guy effect me; it doesnt, so why is he even in this picture;;;; for that
matter why is the earth revolving around with scientist saying that there may be life on the other planet, do they also believe in the concept of God. And then there is this ultimate one if I dont exist then nothing does and it very well may be an illusion who knows; I wonder. And one day god wakes me up and wispers "Well lad I guess the game is over we would have to think of the next level, this was way too easy for you"!!!

Seems to remind of an annonymous quote

"God had to recreate the earth the second time, because some wise guy figured it out why was it there in the first place"


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